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At D Fitness we are more than just a place you go for an hour for a fitness class. We are a community of women (and some men!) who help each other to meet their goals in and out of the studio. Connect with our community on a variety of platforms and keep the conversation going. Like good friends, we are always there for you when you need us.

Dear Friends, I created this group to post class updates, girl talk, recommendations, weight loss questions, and whatever else you wanna talk about.

My mission is to provide great music and a positive atmosphere for you and your friends to escape the everyday rituals and express your individuality. We strive to create and share a magical space where time is lost as you find yourself surrounded by an uplifting atmosphere of people you can now call family. We are a family of Moms, Nurses, Teachers, Entrepreneurs , Music lovers and Friends that want to share with you this experience we call LIFE! Join us in our excitement for what we have in store and be part of the Good Vibe Tribe Experience! 

Join The Good Vibe Tribe on Facebook
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